if you're lazy it starts a 4:29 of the video>>>>
Bubbles: [HORATIO!! You're supposed to fuckin stop when I stop...]
Okay everybody, before we get on with our main event we are going to see
"The Long-Bodied Alien Match".
In this corner, in the shitty old corduroy pants,
with the translucent skin stretched over an alien frame!!;
it's Trevor!!!!: The Elongated "Skelington"!!!!!!
[get your fuckin shirt off Trevor!!]
And in this corner, wearin' the same old fuckin work pants he has on everytime I see him!;
it's Jacob the Twiggy Alien-man [gasps for air]!!
['crowd' BOOOOOOs] Get your shirt off too jacob!!!
My GOD look at 'em!! they're both like fuckin aliens!

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